Has Being a Caregiver Impacted Your Marriage?


Caregiver in Westfield NJ

When you decide to be a caregiver for your elderly parent you are not just making a decision for yourself. You are also making a decision for every member of your family, including your partner. Caregiver-in-Westfield-NJBy committing to give of your time, energy, effort, and resources to make sure that your loved one gets the care and support that they need, you are committing to having less of those to offer to your partner. While this is something that you must acknowledge as part of the decision to care for your parent, it is important that you also take the time to consider what type of an impact it can make on your marriage.

Your marriage is one of the most important, if not the most important, relationships that you will have throughout your life. Your partner can be your greatest source of support, encouragement, love, and stress management that you have, and can help you to be the best caregiver possible for your elderly parent. If you do not pay close attention to your relationship and how your care efforts are affecting it, however, you may find that being a caregiver can put a strain on your marriage. This not only adds more stress, but it can diminish the quality and effectiveness of your care.

Some indications that being a caregiver for your elderly parent has impacted your marriage include:

  • Feeling distanced from your partner
  • Viewing your relationship as a failure, or that you cannot be happy in your relationship
  • Not communicating with your partner as often as you used to
  • Feeling uncomfortable around your partner
  • Being testy or irritable when your partner wants to talk to you or spend time with you
  • Not showing as much affection for each other as you once did
  • Taking out your frustrations and stress on your partner
  • Spending more time using technology, particularly a phone or computer, especially when you are supposed to be connecting with your partner such as eating dinner or watching a movie

Stress is an extremely common cause of relationship problems. Experts note that people who are under stress are far more likely to report lower relationship satisfaction and notice the negative aspects of a relationship than those who are not under stress. You may even be “creating” relationship problems in your mind because of the stress that you are going through. It is important to recognize this stress and make an effort to focus on your marriage so that it can continue to be your strongest source of support and wellbeing throughout and after your care relationship.

Some ways that you can help to protect your marriage include:

  • Focus on communication. Even if it feels somewhat forced, have a conversation with your partner every day
  • Offer physical affection such as hugs, holding hands, or even just a pat on the back frequently. This physical contact will relieve stress, support emotional health, and keep you feeling connected
  • Make time for each other, even if it means just going to the grocery store together. Spending time together will keep your focus on the good aspects of your relationship and not on the stress that you are both feeling.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring caregiver services in Westfield, NJ, please talk to the caring staff at Generations Home Health Care today. Providing Home Care in Somerset, Essex, Union, Morris and Hunterdon Counties. Call us today at (908) 290-0691 or (973) 241-4534.


Source: http://dailyburn.com/life/lifestyle/relationship-stress-management-tips/

Susan Myer, RN, BSN, CCRN, CDP