Keep Your Elderly Parent Healthy This Winter
Chronic health issues can affect aging adults all year, but the winter season can add additional challenges in managing your aging mom or dad’s exposure to germs and injurious situations. Keeping an aging loved one healthy during the winter weather will take all your abilities and resources, but it’s worth it when your elderly parent…
Read MoreFour Things to Do When You Suspect Your Senior Needs More Help
At some point, your senior is going to need a little more help than she currently needs. Your own intuition will likely start to clue you in before you consciously realize what’s going on. At that point, you need to investigate and start putting a plan together. Take Stock of What Your Senior Needs The…
Read MoreIs Fruit Good for Preventing Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer that women in America get, with the exception of skin cancer. Women have a 12 percent chance of getting breast cancer at some point in their lives. According to the American Cancer Society, 268,600 new cases of invasive cancer are expected in 2019. Because of the…
Read MoreWhat Does Burnout Really Look Like?
Caregivers are especially prone to burning out, primarily because they spend so much time and energy trying to make sure that everyone in their life is cared for as well as possible. If you’re ignoring your own needs, though, burnout is far more likely. Concentration Feels Impossible Burnout and stress do a number on just…
Read MoreFive Ways to Help Your Senior to Be as Independent as Possible
If your senior has expressed that her independence is important to her you might have become frustrated by some of her expectations. These are some of the ways you can help your senior to be safe and still be independent, too. Do Regular Safety Checks Safety is the number one issue for aging adults at…
Read MoreFour Tips for Learning How to Anticipate Situations as a Caregiver
Your job as a caregiver would be so much easier if you could predict the future, right? At some point, you might get to the point where you feel like you can do just that. But in the meantime, you need to take the whole prediction process a little more slowly. Gather as Much Information…
Read MoreWhat is NEAT and How Can it Improve Senior Health?
NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It’s a fancy way of referring to the physical activities people do throughout the day that burn calories but aren’t typically thought of as exercise. Anything that requires movement counts as NEAT, like vacuuming the house, walking from one room to another, and even fidgeting. It does not count…
Read MoreFive Tips for Having the Tough Conversations with Your Senior
Sometimes the conversations you have with your senior around her care are really difficult. How you approach these talks can help a lot, even if changing your approach doesn’t win her over completely. Don’t Bring Blame Into It No matter what, these difficult conversations aren’t about assigning blame. You don’t want to try to make…
Read MoreDealing with Anger Takes Conscious Effort
Something that might frustrate you as a caregiver could be that you’re angry now more than you ever used to be. Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences, but there are appropriate times to experience it and ways to express it. The Situations Around You Aren’t about You Lots of times anger shows up because…
Read MoreMeaningful Modifications to Make to Your Senior’s Living Area
Being a family caregiver is about more than just giving your senior the direct care necessary to help the manage their needs and manage their challenges. Instead, it is about helping them to live their best life throughout their later years, and this includes ensuring their have a living environment that is safe, comfortable, and…
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